3 Reasons Why You are

Burned Out on Fundraising

Sign up to hear about these 3 issues and what to do about them!

A Nine Week Executive Coaching Program For ED’s And Senior Leaders To Establish A Robust Fundraising Program With A Particular Focus On Major Gift Individuals.

Triple Your Fundraising

Results In Six Months*

Work with an expert fundraiser (me!) and  ‍ be part of group of supportive ED and  ‍ senior leader peers.

Develop a focused strategy to raise more  ‍ money from major gift individuals in 6-12  ‍ months.

Get clarity about what works and what  ‍ doesn’t.

Activate and motivate your board to  ‍ fundraise.

Join us

Friday, February 2nd at 1 pm EST

for a free webinar to learn about

the 3 reasons why you are burned out on Fundraising and what to do about it!

We all know unrestricted major gifts are the jewel in the crown of every influential NPO.

But your individual giving program is looking more like a streak of really bad dates. 😖

So what’s the problem?

You’re chasing donors who are just not that into you!

✗ You don’t know who you should be talking to.

✗ You don’t know what’s important to them.

✗ You don’t have a mechanism to identify your best match.

That’s why you get plenty of donor “dates” but stay forever stuck in the “friend zone.”

It’s time to end your bad-date streak and start attracting your ideal donors who…

1. Click with your mission.

2. Say YES to that elusive second date.

3. And give really BIG gifts.

What topics will we cover?

  • How you can attract and cultivate ideal donors effortlessly

  • How you can drastically reduce the overwhelm and anxiety you have surrounding fundraising.

  • The difference between relational and transactional fundraising

  • How to get your board involved in the fundraising without begging and pleading.

PLUS! I want to introduce you to my 6-month fundraising training program: Big Ask Gifts!

It’s your golden ticket to building a robust, unrestricted individual giving program in 2024.

Who is this for?

Anyone interested in attracting ideal donors and unlocking major gifts is invited!

What is the format?

This is a 60-minute problem/solution webinar designed to give you major wins in your NPO.

Stick around for a Q&A about my Big Ask Gifts Program at the end.

My goal is to help you get results. If you’ve gone through the content, completed the worksheets, implemented the ideas I teach in this course and don’t raise the cost of your tuition in new or increased donations, let’s chat. I’ll be glad to issue a full refund. That’s how confident I am that I can help you. There’s no way you can lose

money on this.

Hope to see you there

Friday, February 2nd at 1 pm EST!


#1 Money Mindset

Identify the emotional and mental  ‍ blocks that hold you back from

 ‍ being an effective fundraiser.

Learn strategies to overcome

 ‍ your anxiety about fundraising.


How race, class, gender and power

 ‍ influence fundraising.

How to reframe fundraising as  ‍ partnership, not as supplication.


Assess your current marketing

 ‍ materials for effectiveness. Do your

 ‍ website and materials truly convey

 ‍ the excitement of what you do?

Learn the keys to what makes a

 ‍ remarkable brand so you can stand

 ‍ out from the crowd.

Tell your compelling story to move

 ‍ and inspire.


Who are your donors and why do

 ‍ they give?

Specifying a major donor threshold.

 ‍ Identify and pinpoint the values that

 ‍ motivate donors to your cause.

 ‍ Organize and segment your donor

 ‍ list to develop targeted strategies.


Learn how to tell a compelling story

 ‍ to engage potential partners.

 ‍ Understand WHY stories trigger

empathy. Practice and fine-tune

 ‍ your story using a proven framework.

#6 Methodology

Create basic workflows and

 ‍ processes for acquiring, cultivating,

 ‍ soliciting and retaining donors.

Figure out the metrics that matter.

 ‍ Codify your practices so that you

 ‍ can train and delegate to other

 ‍ members of your team.

#7 management

Enable your team to engage in  ‍ fundraising in order to create a  ‍ culture of philanthropy.

Activate and mobilize your board to  ‍ get involved in fundraising.

#8 Major Gift Ask

Avoid the most common mistakes  ‍ when you land the meeting.

What to say and how to say it in  ‍ order to build relationships and  ‍ partnerships with major donors.


What My Clients Have Said

© Rhea Wong 2025

Brooklyn, NY

(929) 324-0659


© Rhea Wong 2025

Brooklyn, NY

(929) 324-0659
